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Mary B. of Latham, NY

I have suffered for years with headaches, dizziness, and fatigue after an automobile accident and head injury. Nothing had worked, and I have tried everything traditional and non-traditional. Over the years, the whole thing took a huge toll on me, and I was becoming very depressed about my future.

When I heard about Neurofeedback, I was doubtful simply because so many things had failed me. However, the reference from my physician was strong, and so I tried it.

As Dr. Cale predicted, my QEEG or brain map showed lots of problems, and he predicted a gradual course of improvement. He encouraged patience and persistence.

And so it was. I stayed the course, even though improvements went slowly. First, I started having fewer headaches; then my dizziness went in and out but has gradually dropped over time. This allows me to do more without ending up in bed for two days.

What means the most to me is that I get to spend time with my grandchildren, and they see me as a normal grandmother. Not someone afraid to laugh and play with them. My depression was also treated with Neurofeedback, but I believe the biggest effect on my emotional life has come from having a life again…with my family and grandchildren. They are everything to me.

If you have a head injury and have tried everything else, I say try Neurofeedback. It has turned my life around. I am NOT 100%, but I am 75%-80% of the old me. Six months ago, I was at 20%.

So this, for me, was the answer I was seeking. I say give it a try. Neurofeedback has changed my life.