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Why is Neurofeedback So Effective?

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Why is Neurofeedback So Effective?

It’s the question I get when parents or individuals have done the research. They see neurofeedback is now rated, there’s a level four or five intervention for many mental health disorders and many of the struggles we deal with ADD, anxiety, OCD, depression, those sorts of things. It’s by the way, level five is as high as it gets with mental health interventions and many therapies maybe medications are two or three. So, it’s getting more and more attention even though it’s not the Quick Fix like taking a pill right? So, neurofeedback when people ask why is it so effective it’s an interesting question because they know it’s proven its effectiveness. So, the answer is really interesting, because with neurofeedback, we’re not forcing the brain to do anything right, we’re not throwing a drug in there, we’re not throwing some electrical impulse into the brain. Instead, all we’re doing is allowing the brain to do its natural thing, and let’s imagine we have a brain wave Theta that’s running very strong and we want that Theta wave to come down because it’s associated with more ease, more happiness, more enjoyment, less ADD, problems focusing, less fewer issues with anxiety in general.

Not Forcing But Rewarding the Brain with Neurofeedback.

So, in neurofeedback, we’re rewarding that brainwave when it naturally comes down just a teeny bit so that incremental reward creates this very gradual organic natural shift in the brain, we’re not forcing the brain we’re only rewarding it for a state an emotional psychological state that it’s already discovered, that state change by the way, is below the level of our awareness at that moment. That’s why we have to add up reward session after reward session after reward session to get the brain to change. But when it does change and it begins to move, the brain is reorganizing you know pathways are reorganized communication patterns are reorganized neurons begin to expand their connectedness the 100 billion neurons in the brain can connect up to ten thousand each can have ten thousand connections that all begins to expand. So, when someone completes a course of neurofeedback training that is not the same brain personalities don’t change, individual they’re sort core personality doesn’t change, but if you were a depressed or angry person and you wanted to hang on to that most people don’t, that changes of course but the personality that you think of a childhood that does not change.

Getting Better Doing Neurofeedback QEEG.

However, it’s a more neuroplastic brain, it’s a smarter brain, it functions better cognitive skills improve kids gain 15, 20 points in IQ. So, it’s a brain that is functioning better, it’s communicating better, it’s doing better and we can tell all that because we do quantitative EEGs, we’re able to map the brain and we can watch it and see those changes over time. It’s quite extraordinary now this is one in a series of questions I’m answering about neurofeedback, you’ll see a list of those below if you want to check out some of the other questions.

If you’d like to speak to me personally, I’m happy to give you a bit of time, you can call my office, fill out or fill out the form online to choose a time that fits for you. I hope you reach out, I’d be happy to answer more questions if you have them again, it’s Dr. Randy Cale, I look forward to hearing from you take care.

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