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Richard, NY

Richard’s behavior became increasingly concerning—he struggled with social boundaries, was highly fidgety, and became explosively angry. “From zero to a hundred.” His parents tried everything: therapy, professional evaluations, and multiple medications. “We probably went through a dozen medications. None of them seemed to be working.”

Desperate for a real solution, they turned to neurofeedback. Within days, they saw a shift. “The first two weeks, we all noticed a difference. We went from constant aggression to almost just pure conversations.” His anger faded, and his ability to communicate improved. Unlike medication, neurofeedback addressed the root of the problem. “It doesn’t wear off like a medication with harmful effects. This is a huge benefit – a non-invasive health benefit that gets better and better.”

Now, off all medications, Richard is thriving – his teachers praise him, his coaches see his growth, and his home life is peaceful. Mom says, “Research it. Ask the questions and put the time in…because the literature, the research, and the results are there. It’s non-invasive. It’s not medication. It only builds your life. You don’t lose these skills. You take them with you, and it gets better because the results keep working even in your sleep. Do it. You have nothing to lose. Everything to gain.