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  • M.C. of Saratoga Springs, NY


    We were at the end of our rope with both children. We had fought with them for years, over homework, chores, and just getting along. They each were on medication for ADHD, and yet our home was still crazy. At 14 and 12, both kids were starting to fail in every subject, teachers were out... keep reading »

  • Mary B. of Latham, NY


    I have suffered for years with headaches, dizziness, and fatigue after an automobile accident and head injury. Nothing had worked, and I have tried everything traditional and non-traditional. Over the years, the whole thing took a huge toll on me, and I was becoming very depressed about my future. When I heard about Neurofeedback, I... keep reading »

  • J.D. of Clifton Park, NY


    We saw Dr. Cale for help with our son, who was keeping us awake at night for hours. We were an angry, impatient family as everyone was losing sleep. We had tried everything, and our pediatrician wanted to put him on medication. Within three weeks of working with Dr. Cale, we had a calm household... keep reading »

  • Anonymous


    I found Dr. Cale online and went to him because I read the positive reviews. I also had a friend who recommended, even though he doesn’t take insurance. The result: In 7 sessions, I changed the bad habits I had and was on track for what I wanted. I was drinking too much and exercising... keep reading »

  • Leslie, Age 34


    It all began with our daughter, Sophie… we were reluctant to try medication… the therapist brought up Neurofeedback and told me how great it would be for her situation. I tried a number of things for a long period of time. Meditation initially, then working with non-certified and certified counselors for…years. I was making ‘progress,’... keep reading »

  • Gene, Age 60


    What prompted my interest in Neurofeedback is that when I first heard about it, it was a mindbender… I always want to be better at everything I do – that’s just my nature – so the idea that this process could improve my skills across the board was just, well, a little hard to believe.... keep reading »

  • Parents of Jesse, Age 12


    Within the first two months, we started to see a calmness he had never shown before. He was also starting to articulate what he was feeling and what was happening. Instead of acting out, we’d hear him say, “I don’t know what’s wrong…but I’m just angry” or “I’m just upset.” Those were the first breakthroughs... keep reading »

  • David, Age 26


    “I was on the highest dose of an SSRI that a doctor can prescribe, and that did nothing except make me feel dead…A bad day for me now is a million times better than a good day was two years ago.” David’s journey began as a martial arts champion, but after winning Nationals and Junior... keep reading »

  • Mother of Richard, Age 14


    The Joy of Being a Normal Teen-Ager: The first two weeks, we all noticed a difference. We went from constant aggression to almost just pure conversation. When things aren’t working, it’s my job to give my child the best possible opportunity and resources. He was not diagnosed with autism, but he fit some of the... keep reading »

  • Sofie, Age 8; Andrew, Age 12


    “What?? What just happened?’ She didn’t freak out and cry and scream. My husband and I just looked at each other in amazement.” Sophie and Andrew’s struggles left their family in turmoil. Sophie, once a rule-following, happy child, became overwhelmed with anxiety and sensory issues. “She wasn’t herself at all.” Clothing became unbearable, meltdowns were... keep reading »

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Neurofeedback Sessions:


Leslie, Age 34

It all began with our daughter, Sophie… we were reluctant to try medication… the therapist brought up Neurofeedback and told me how great it would be for her situation.

I tried a number of things for a long period of time. Meditation initially, then working with non-certified and certified counselors for…years. I was making ‘progress,’ but not getting much improvement in the level of comfort that I was looking for…

I just wanted some sense of normalcy and happiness…now discomfort isn’t there. I think it’s easier to meet new people, which has always been difficult in the past.

I didn’t know it was possible for me to feel this way just on a regular day…I experience comfort and ease in my body, which I didn’t even know that I could do before. My sleep is better. My mood overall is fantastic. I don’t experience fight or flight as much anymore – it’s a rare occurrence.


Gene, Age 60

What prompted my interest in Neurofeedback is that when I first heard about it, it was a mindbender…

I always want to be better at everything I do – that’s just my nature – so the idea that this process could improve my skills across the board was just, well, a little hard to believe.

I always want to be better at everything I do – that’s just my nature.

The idea that this could improve my skills across the board was mind-bending.


David, Age 26

“I was on the highest dose of an SSRI that a doctor can prescribe, and that did nothing except make me feel dead…A bad day for me now is a million times better than a good day was two years ago.”

David’s journey began as a martial arts champion, but after winning Nationals and Junior Olympics, he lost motivation. Grief and isolation led him into substance abuse—first nicotine, then marijuana, alcohol, and eventually harder drugs. “There wasn’t a day where I was not impaired in some way.”

A harrowing psychedelic experience forced him to confront his downward spiral. Determined to change, he moved home and sought neurofeedback. Unlike therapy and high-dose antidepressants, neurofeedback provided a breakthrough.

“What was going on in my brain was not right. It was that way for a long time.” But with Neurofeedback, “I stopped thinking that way, and I was suddenly able to feel something different, it was very encouraging because again. I felt something very distinctly different and not an emptiness and not a darkness, not an apathy toward things.”

Now, David embraces life fully. “The biggest thing that I’ve gotten out of this is that I like myself now.” No longer lost in escapism, he envisions a future of growth and success. “A bad day for me now is a million times better than a good day was two years ago.”


Sofie, Age 8; Andrew, Age 12

“What?? What just happened?’ She didn’t freak out and cry and scream. My husband and I just looked at each other in amazement.”

Sophie and Andrew’s struggles left their family in turmoil. Sophie, once a rule-following, happy child, became overwhelmed with anxiety and sensory issues. “She wasn’t herself at all.” Clothing became unbearable, meltdowns were constant, and even gentle corrections sent her into hysterics. Meanwhile, Andrew, a high-functioning autistic child, started stimming excessively, retreating into his own world, and struggling with focus. His parents were desperate.

Neurofeedback changed everything. Within weeks, Sophie was calmer, laughing again, and even excelling in school. “What?? What just happened?” her parents marveled as a once-triggering moment passed without a meltdown. Andrew stopped stimming, made social connections, and even enjoyed fireworks—something unimaginable before. “He’s the true Andrew without the autism masking him.”

Now, both children are thriving. “The trajectory of my son’s life is just different…But like Sophie, I swear there’s almost no trace of what she was doing. . Neurofeedback works and it’s amazing. So why wouldn’t you try it?”


Glenn, Age 17

“Whether that leads him to the Olympics, to the US Team, or a college program, he’ll push it as far as he wants.”

Glenn’s parents sought neurofeedback as a way to help with his ADHD and transition off medication. “He was all over the place, and it was just horrible watching him go through that.” Open to the process, Glenn embraced the routine without resistance. Over time, the changes became clear—his focus improved, and he successfully moved off medication.

“The transition off the medication was a non-event. It was a good thing and he actually told us he noticed a difference (with the neurofeedback training). It wasn’t immediate. But he could see the difference once he saw the progress over a certain time.

As a dedicated, elite BMX athlete, Glenn balanced intense training with academics while traveling worldwide. Neurofeedback helped him stay focused, organized, and responsible. “From where he came to now, it’s a great difference.” Now a role model for younger athletes, he leads by example, managing daily responsibilities with ease.

The most remarkable shift? Glenn recognized neurofeedback’s impact himself. After a break, he asked to resume training. “It wasn’t me asking him. It was him saying, ‘Hey, I need to do NFT again.'” His parents now watch proudly as he takes his athletic and academic potential as far as he wants.


Barbara, Age 28

“I’d wake up in the middle of the night and start to think, ‘Why did I say that?’ and I’d be awake the whole night torturing myself about conversations.”

Barbara struggled with social anxiety for years, trying meditation, counseling, and medication, but nothing brought lasting comfort. “I just never felt comfortable when I would be with people. I was so tired of that fear and the way I was beating myself up before, during, and afterwards.” Even after social interactions, she would lie awake at night, torturing herself over conversations.

Skeptical but hopeful, she turned to neurofeedback. The change was gradual, but undeniable. “When the examples stack up and they’re part of your daily life, you definitely can’t doubt it.” At work, her confidence soared. Once too nervous to listen during interviews, she now engages fully and even earned praise from her manager: “You found your voice – it’s really good to see.”

Now, everyday discomfort has faded, friendships have deepened, and she’s open to new possibilities. “My friend says, ‘People don’t change. But with Neurofeedback, real change is possible. I have lived through that undeniable change.”


Andy, Age 9

My wife and I are both therapists, but therapy doesn’t cure ADHD.

Andy showed early signs of language delays and impulsivity, leading to an ADHD diagnosis. His parents, both psychologists, provided structured support, but after a hospitalization, his anxiety worsened, and he developed tics. Then, after two head injuries, he regressed severely – his impulsivity, emotional intensity, and obsessive behaviors surged. “It was as if everything we worked towards was just erased.”

Seeking a sustainable solution, his parents turned to neurofeedback. Over time, they saw clear changes. “A change in impulsivity, a decrease in tics, a decrease in anxiety, a decrease in labile mood.” His meltdowns, once lasting 20 minutes, now resolve in moments. Even Andy recognizes the benefits.

For his father, the transformation was undeniable. “There’s no way the improvements and changes can be explained other than the neurofeedback training.” Now, Andy is thriving, and his parents encourage others: “Trust the process. We’ve got the data telling us something good is happening.”


Michaell, Age 23

It wears on people when they’re constantly worried about someone around them. And I was constantly wearing on people.

For years, he struggled with destructive habits, anger, and depression, leading to multiple suicide attempts. “Mom and dad and my friends were definitely worried for me.” Therapy and medications provided temporary relief, but he always fell back into old patterns. “It clearly wasn’t working.”

Skeptical but willing, he tried neurofeedback. Over time, he noticed a shift. “I began to think, ‘Okay, I’m starting to feel better. And I like that I’m feeling better.'” His anger subsided, his relationships improved, and he became a more patient father. He held steady jobs for the first time, no longer restless or self-sabotaging.

Now, life feels balanced. “There isn’t a weight on my life in the present that comes at an expense for the future.” He encourages others to explore alternatives beyond medication and talk therapy. “There is a better life out there.” With neurofeedback, he’s found peace, stability, and a future worth looking forward to.


Sarah, Age 53

You’re different. You’re you, but you a lot more. You seem calmer, you seem happier, and you seem more in control of yourself.

For years, anxiety, frustration, and impulsive outbursts shaped her interactions, particularly with those closest to her. “The closer I am to the person, the more pronounced the reaction.” Therapy and medication provided temporary relief, but nothing created lasting change. “I would go off [meds], have some depression or anxiety episode, maybe go back on… It’s not an enduring solution.”

Neurofeedback intrigued her—real change without pharmaceuticals. “I liked the idea of enduring change… something I could do myself.” She noticed shifts almost immediately.

“Something about it kind of grabbed me. I realized, ‘Hey, something’s happening here almost immediately.’ The first thing I noticed was I was receiving feedback… something good was happening… You can actually feel better in one session. Her patience improved, self-talk became encouraging, and she no longer depended on others to regulate her emotions. “People around me – my oldest daughter, my partner – tell me all the time they see the difference.” She says, “You’re you, but you a lot more. You seem calmer, happier, and more in control.”


Stan, Age 75

The Warrior’s Journey? It’s truly a journey inward, not outward. The mountain? We’re each our own mountain.

Stan spent decades searching for meaning—through therapy, self-help, and spiritual practices – only to find himself stuck. “I spent my life searching; I just didn’t know for what.” Diagnosed with everything from OCD to PTSD, he sought answers externally, yet the ache in his heart remained. “I could spout Zen koans and quote great authors, but I never got any closer to figuring it out.”

At 70, he finally realized, “I was long on knowledge and short on feeling.” Neurofeedback became the tool that shifted everything. “Three weeks in, I woke with a clarity I hadn’t experienced in fifty years.” The noise in his mind quieted, and for the first time, he felt grounded. “Instead of telling more stories about my life, I’m finally starting to live it.”

“Two months into my training, I’m a believer. I feel calmer, more focused, more grounded and more centered than I can ever recall. Every day a new ‘Aha!’ brings me and my brain into the present. Now, calmer and more present, he embraces the journey ahead. “Where this will go, I have no idea. But I’m along for the ride.”


Jennifer, Age 33

It came at a time where I needed it the most, and it definitely helped me when I needed it the most.

I’ve always been an anxious person, but I didn’t fully understand it until a medical misdiagnosis sent me into a spiral. Even after doctors reassured me I didn’t have MS, I couldn’t let it go. My mind was stuck in a loop of What if? I lost 45 pounds, wasn’t sleeping, and developed TMJ from constant stress. My body was reacting to my own anxiety, and I finally realized, This is all me. I need to calm down.”

Jennifer reports that this is when she became quite lucky. “That’s when I found neurofeedback. Within three days, I felt different. My breathing changed – I wasn’t tense or shallow anymore. A deep sense of calm settled in. Before, I would obsess over things for weeks. Now, worries are just blips that pass. My health fears disappeared, and the physical symptoms I was experiencing completely went away.

“I do neurofeedback (at home) every day because… why wouldn’t I? It’s effortless, relaxing, and has completely changed how I feel. I either start or end my day with it, and it’s non-negotiable. If someone asked me about it, I’d say, Don’t hesitate. Just do it. I wish I had known about it sooner, but it came exactly when I needed it most.”


Richard, NY

Richard’s behavior became increasingly concerning—he struggled with social boundaries, was highly fidgety, and became explosively angry. “From zero to a hundred.” His parents tried everything: therapy, professional evaluations, and multiple medications. “We probably went through a dozen medications. None of them seemed to be working.”

Desperate for a real solution, they turned to neurofeedback. Within days, they saw a shift. “The first two weeks, we all noticed a difference. We went from constant aggression to almost just pure conversations.” His anger faded, and his ability to communicate improved. Unlike medication, neurofeedback addressed the root of the problem. “It doesn’t wear off like a medication with harmful effects. This is a huge benefit – a non-invasive health benefit that gets better and better.”

Now, off all medications, Richard is thriving – his teachers praise him, his coaches see his growth, and his home life is peaceful. Mom says, “Research it. Ask the questions and put the time in…because the literature, the research, and the results are there. It’s non-invasive. It’s not medication. It only builds your life. You don’t lose these skills. You take them with you, and it gets better because the results keep working even in your sleep. Do it. You have nothing to lose. Everything to gain.


M.C. of Saratoga Springs, NY

We were at the end of our rope with both children. We had fought with them for years, over homework, chores, and just getting along. They each were on medication for ADHD, and yet our home was still crazy. At 14 and 12, both kids were starting to fail in every subject, teachers were out of ideas, and the future looked bleak. Every day was a battle, and at times…very ugly.

Our friend recommended Dr. Cale, and we were reluctant as he does not work with insurance. However, after meeting with him, he provided two services that have changed our lives.

First, he provided a few sessions of guidance on how to manage our home and our routines. This brought peace, order, and responsibility to the home within five weeks. However, as predicted, the ADHD symptoms still interfered with their academic progress.

This was when we enrolled both children in the Neurofeedback program. While Dr. Cale warned us that change would happen slowly, from the inside out, we did not expect the incredible turn-around we experienced…especially with our more violent, mouthy, and academically disinterested 14-year-old.

Within a month, his teachers were emailing us about his remarkable shifts. He started completing assignments, asking a few questions, and did not stir trouble at school. Given the changes with COVID, he also had days of schooling at home. Even that became workable, as we didn’t battle to keep him on task.

Overall, the parenting piece Dr. Cale gave us quickly brought calm to the home. The Neurofeedback training, however, has changed how our kids’ brains work. They are better focused, less distracted, and more motivated to get work done (and of course, none of this is perfect). Both have reduced their medications and will likely be medication-free once the Neurofeedback is complete.

One note: Neurofeedback is not cheap, but the outcomes are well worth it, given the changes we have seen. At least speak with Dr. Cale to see what services might be of help. We were both reluctant, but the remarkable results speak for themselves.


Mary B. of Latham, NY

I have suffered for years with headaches, dizziness, and fatigue after an automobile accident and head injury. Nothing had worked, and I have tried everything traditional and non-traditional. Over the years, the whole thing took a huge toll on me, and I was becoming very depressed about my future.

When I heard about Neurofeedback, I was doubtful simply because so many things had failed me. However, the reference from my physician was strong, and so I tried it.

As Dr. Cale predicted, my QEEG or brain map showed lots of problems, and he predicted a gradual course of improvement. He encouraged patience and persistence.

And so it was. I stayed the course, even though improvements went slowly. First, I started having fewer headaches; then my dizziness went in and out but has gradually dropped over time. This allows me to do more without ending up in bed for two days.

What means the most to me is that I get to spend time with my grandchildren, and they see me as a normal grandmother. Not someone afraid to laugh and play with them. My depression was also treated with Neurofeedback, but I believe the biggest effect on my emotional life has come from having a life again…with my family and grandchildren. They are everything to me.

If you have a head injury and have tried everything else, I say try Neurofeedback. It has turned my life around. I am NOT 100%, but I am 75%-80% of the old me. Six months ago, I was at 20%.

So this, for me, was the answer I was seeking. I say give it a try. Neurofeedback has changed my life.

Therapy Sessions:


Parents of Jesse, Age 12

Within the first two months, we started to see a calmness he had never shown before.

He was also starting to articulate what he was feeling and what was happening.

Instead of acting out, we’d hear him say, “I don’t know what’s wrong…but I’m just angry” or “I’m just upset.”

Those were the first breakthroughs we were having, where he actually started to describe his feelings instead of acting out.


Mother of Richard, Age 14

The Joy of Being a Normal Teen-Ager: The first two weeks, we all noticed a difference. We went from constant aggression to almost just pure conversation.

When things aren’t working, it’s my job to give my child the best possible opportunity and resources. He was not diagnosed with autism, but he fit some of the buckets more towards that intermediate range between ADHD and autism. And the group therapy wasn’t working.

He was with kids that were troubled and that just wasn’t him, so that was worthless. It even had an adverse effect. He couldn’t learn to talk to people. He’d be fidgeting under the table. Absolutely worthless.


J.D. of Clifton Park, NY

We saw Dr. Cale for help with our son, who was keeping us awake at night for hours. We were an angry, impatient family as everyone was losing sleep. We had tried everything, and our pediatrician wanted to put him on medication.

Within three weeks of working with Dr. Cale, we had a calm household with our restless, tantruming son sleeping soundly in his room.

My husband and I could not be happier. Rather than medications or months of therapy, Dr. Cale pointed us to a precise game plan, and it worked just as predicted. He seems more focused on getting results than other therapists we have met in the past.

I highly recommend Dr. Cale!



I found Dr. Cale online and went to him because I read the positive reviews. I also had a friend who recommended, even though he doesn’t take insurance.

The result: In 7 sessions, I changed the bad habits I had and was on track for what I wanted. I was drinking too much and exercising too little, which made me feel crappy about myself.

Within a few sessions, we addressed my bad beliefs and did some cool things to ‘leverage’ me into better habits. I have dropped 22 pounds, rarely drink now, and feel better than ever.

When Dr. Cale asked if I would put my verbal feedback in writing, I had no problem with it. I just say to anyone: Don’t come wishing for sympathy. Come wanting to change. If you do, I believe Dr. Cale can help.