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Weakness Comes From Persistently Seeking Ease

Weakness Comes From Persistently Seeking Ease

One of the hallmarks of an anxiety-filled life is that their priority is to relieve their sense of anxiety or avoid future moments with possible anxiety. They create a life where avoiding discomfort is most important, and activities and opportunities for growth and...
The Ultimate Tool For Tough Times

The Ultimate Tool For Tough Times

The impact of the current circumstances, combined with the unknowns about the future, has had an impact on our underlying state of fear and anxiety. Initial studies are not surprising at all, suggesting that many Americans deeply feel the impact of Covid-19 in more...
Teaching Kids to be Irresponsible?

Teaching Kids to be Irresponsible?

I frequently work with families where academic performance is deteriorating, and parents are tired of battling and arguing with their child over homework. Often, these same families are struggling with behavioral issues and simple daily routines, such as getting their...
Top-Down Bottom-Up Approach to Trauma: Part 2

Top-Down Bottom-Up Approach to Trauma: Part 2

In last week’s article, we discussed how traumatic moments often affect the brain/body in ways that become strongly patterned. Two critical conclusions were noted: First, the immediate response to trauma includes overwhelming fear, and how we respond is not...