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You Can’t Get There From Here!

You Can’t Get There From Here!

I once heard this phrase long ago, and it has stuck with me over the years. Many clients have asked me to clarify my meaning when I boldly pronounce: “I’m sorry. You just can’t get there from here.” Our Silent Superpower! Most of our struggles...
New Videos: Will Neurofeedback Work For My Anxiety?

New Videos: Will Neurofeedback Work For My Anxiety?

I’m often asked, will neurofeedback work for me? Loading Video... Now, if I knew the answer to that question 100% of the time, I’d get paid a lot more here in the Albany area. And you and I both know I can’t answer that for certain. However,...
The Mind Makes War & We Suffer

The Mind Makes War & We Suffer

A war is raging on. It is raging both in our minds and in our lives. Few can move through the day without engaging in the war, whether they want it or not. This is not a war of guns and ammo. This is a war against happiness and peace of mind. Please note: this article...
The Backfire: How Good Intentions Turn South!

The Backfire: How Good Intentions Turn South!

If you have been reading this column for a while, you will recognize this ‘Cale Truism’ that I have addressed from many angles: Your superpower as a parent resides in your mastery of how you use your attention. What you repeatedly focus upon with your...