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Is Neurofeedback Going To Change My Child’s Personality?

Is Neurofeedback Going To Change My Child’s Personality?

This is a fairly frequent question, and understandably so, because most of us are in love with our children’s personalities most of the time. However, if you have a child who’s acting out occasionally and has ADD, won’t listen, and is perhaps...
To Be Happier, We Must Embrace the Unfamiliar

To Be Happier, We Must Embrace the Unfamiliar

We are creatures of familiarity. We could simply say creatures of habit. Or, more technically, we are creatures with brains that become conditioned to run the same programs repeatedly. How Thoughts Repeat Themselves Research suggests we tend to have many more thoughts...
The Tantrum Fixer Approach to End Tantrums/Meltdowns

The Tantrum Fixer Approach to End Tantrums/Meltdowns

Temper tantrums are a topic of perennial relevance, except more now than ever. Why? Because Covid has pushed the limits of many homes, with children and teens learning to ‘rule the roost’ through demand and tantrums. To avoid living with meltdown after meltdown, many...
Thriving & Enjoyment: The Role of Best Effort.

Thriving & Enjoyment: The Role of Best Effort.

We often delight in seeing an A on a test or witnessing our children or team win a game. Expressions of admiration for our children’s looks or talent are common. You have probably heard phrases like, “She’s brilliant,” or “he’s...
Why Consequences Don’t Work: It’s All About Proximity.

Why Consequences Don’t Work: It’s All About Proximity.

Some prospective clients seeking Neurofeedback to improve their child’s behavior report problems with their child’s inability to regulate behavior.  Parents report, ‘Consequences just don’t work for my son…something is wrong in their...