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Teaching Through The Integrity of Your Example

Teaching Through The Integrity of Your Example

In recent years, neuroscientists have identified specific neurons in the brain that have been labeled as ‘mirror neurons.’ These mirror neurons fire when observing behavior, similar to what occurs when doing the behavior. In other words, learning happens...
What We Are Focusing On Needs Attention!

What We Are Focusing On Needs Attention!

Most of us go through our daily lives not recognizing the power of focus. If we’re listening to the news, and something catches us, we focus on it. If we’re standing in line and there’s a grumpy patron in front of us, we tend to focus on them. If...
Control or Dictate: You Choose.

Control or Dictate: You Choose.

I think it’s fair to say that many of us have had experiences working with others where leadership skills were lacking. Perhaps you’ve had a manager, coach, or friend handle you like you were a ‘subject’ to be told what to do. Or perhaps worse...
How To Feel Bad When Working Hard: Taking Things Personally

How To Feel Bad When Working Hard: Taking Things Personally

In this series of mistakes that fail your family, I am highlighting common strategies that undermine your children’s success and happiness. We have covered several behavioral strategies recently, but today’s discussion focuses on a critical mental mistake:...
You Can’t Get There From Here!

You Can’t Get There From Here!

I once heard this phrase long ago, and it has stuck with me over the years. Many clients have asked me to clarify my meaning when I boldly pronounce: “I’m sorry. You just can’t get there from here.” Our Silent Superpower! Most of our struggles...