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Weakness Comes From Persistently Seeking Ease

Weakness Comes From Persistently Seeking Ease

One of the hallmarks of an anxiety-filled life is that their priority is to relieve their sense of anxiety or avoid future moments with possible anxiety. They create a life where avoiding discomfort is most important, and activities and opportunities for growth and...
What Conditions Have Proven To Be Responsive To Neurofeedback

What Conditions Have Proven To Be Responsive To Neurofeedback

This is a great question that comes up often. Generally speaking, neurofeedback is a way to fundamentally change the brain’s structure, biochemistry, organization, and communication pathways. Any conditions caused by struggles in the brain could be altered...
Most Thoughts Are Not Worth Another Thought?

Most Thoughts Are Not Worth Another Thought?

In the world we live in, it seems that almost everyone and every device we open offers us an opinion or thought about the world we live in.  Most of these thoughts are not worth the energy that created them. Why is this important? Everyone has a mind that is full of...
Stop Trying To Make It Easier

Stop Trying To Make It Easier

In this persistently challenging world, don’t you wonder how best to successfully equip our children to navigate these rough waters of life?   Indeed, no simple answer will come close here.  Yet, it seems that we find ourselves daily lamenting about these...