Which End of the Life-Stick?

Imagine life boiled down to a straightforward decision that we have the power to influence moment by moment. And, even though we have the power to make the decision, most people don't know it or exercise that choice. Instead, they (understandably) follow the momentum...

How Does Neurofeedback Work? As Explained by Dr. Randy Cale

Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback in which a reward signal is provided to the brain. This signal, over time, causes the brain (in most cases) to incrementally and gradually reorganize brainwaves into a healthier and more functional brainwave pattern. [yt...

Mistaken Conclusions About COVID, Your Child And How to Turn This Around

The topic on everyone’s mind is COVID and the impact that this is having on our lives. For many, these times provide challenges on many levels. For our children, many obvious factors are impacting their lives. However, I often hear parents attributing specific changes in their children’s lives to COVID, and in a sense, this is true. But, in another sense, it may not be accurate…

What We Focus On Owns Our Life! And Why We Must Master What Gets Our Attention

This is one of the most important truths to understand. What gets your focus…NOW owns your life. Please contemplate this.

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